
Explore how we'll deliver the strategy

Delivery framework

Our Past, Our Future relies on action being taken by all stakeholders in the strategy. Rather than implement a rigid delivery structure, we have chosen to take an agile programme management approach, to best reflect the complex and shifting context the strategy will be delivered in. This means reviewing and adjusting our short-term and long-term plans on an annual basis.

Delivery progress so far

The strategy's journey began with its official launch in June 2023. In autumn following the launch, a dedicated team hosted by Historic Environment Scotland was appointed to drive the strategy's implementation. Key initiatives in the first year included establishing a new governance structure, with a Steering Group of senior leaders providing strategic oversight. Engagement with stakeholders also began to align and report on action planning across all levels.

The strategy underwent scrutiny by the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs, and Culture Committee in November 2023 to ensure its alignment with national priorities. In February 2024, Scotland’s Historic Environment Forum focused on the strategy's delivery, bringing together diverse stakeholders to discuss collective action. The year concluded with the publication of a Baseline and update on monitoring and reporting.

Looking ahead

In the second year of the strategy’s roll out we will be working to surface the current and future (if needed) delivery structures that support and drive the impact of the historic environment. Some of this will come through identifying how we tackle critical gaps (through commissioned Advisory Groups and Activities) but some of this will also be in working alongside current leaders of successful strategic action plans and projects.

Find out more about how we plan to deliver the strategy in the Delivery Framework which sets out the plan for action, development, support, investment, dissemination and reporting.

Read the Framework and find out more


The national strategy will be driven by the National Strategy Steering Group. The purpose of the Steering Group is to provide direction and oversight for the implementation of the strategy.

Membership will comprise invited senior leaders from a broad range of delivery partners, representing a diversity of interests and perspectives from the historic environment, other relevant sectors, and communities that are essential to the successful delivery of the strategy at national, regional and local level.

Currently, members of the Steering Group are:

Scotland’s Historic Environment Forum

Scotland’s Historic Environment Forum is where leaders and policymakers from the historic environment and other relevant sectors come together to take stock, discuss emerging and future issues, and set the strategic direction for the year.

You can watch a recording of Scotland’s Historic Environment Forum 2024 below and find out more by downloading the post-event report.

SHEF 2024 Post Event Report

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