Our Past, Our Future: The Strategy for Scotland's Historic Environment

Our mission is to sustain and enhance the benefits of Scotland's historic environment, for people and communities now and into the future

Aerial view of Tantallon Castle during a late summer sunset


Our Past, Our Future is Scotland's national strategy for the historic environment for the period 2023-2028

Our historic environment is a national asset: it creates jobs, enriches our communities, and helps to tell Scotland’s story to the world. It’s a vital part of our transition to net zero and our mission to help local places to thrive. We want to sustain and enhance the benefits that our nation’s heritage creates, and ensure the historic environment is at the centre of national life.


This strategy adopts a mission-oriented approach. Solving the challenges and making the most of the opportunities facing Scotland requires multiple strands of activity across multiple partners and multiple sectors. The mission sets a direction of travel and helps to identify the actions needed to make effective progress on that journey.

Latest update

We’re excited to announce the publication of four new reports, each offering fresh insights and details on the progress towards achieving the strategy’s mission.

Dive into our recently updated pages, where you can explore more about the structures which will drive the strategy forward in Delivery, read about the work and activities planned for under each of the three priorities and discover more about how we will monitor how the sector is performing on the Monitoring and Reporting page.

Download the 2023/24 reports

Priority 1: Delivering the transition to net zero

Scotland will be net-zero emissions by 2045. Find out how the historic environment will contribute to these targets.

The difference we want to make

Outcome 1:

Reduce emissions from the historic environment

Outcome 2:

The historic environment is more climate resilient

Outcome 3:

Improve pathways for the historic environment skills

Read more about Priority 1
Sun rises over the city of Edinburgh and sunbeams spray across Edinburgh Castle from above, where an array of solar panels fill a flat section of the rooftop. Arthur's Seat appears in silhouette in the background with the city in between.

Priority 2: Empowering resilient and inclusive communities and places

Scotland’s historic environment brings colour and variety to our landscapes, inspires people and communities, and shapes the character and identity of our places.

The difference we want to make

Outcome 4:

Organisations that care for the historic environment have the right skills and are more resilient

Outcome 5:

Communities have more opportunities to participate in decision-making about the historic environment

Outcome 6:

The historic environment is more diverse and inclusive

Read more about Priority 2
A child and three adults sit around a table building a LEGO castle together

Priority 3: Building a wellbeing economy

Scotland’s historic environment can play a key role in building a wellbeing economy that operates within environmental limits and enables both current and future generations to live well.

The difference we want to make

Outcome 7:

The historic environment makes a responsible contribution to Scotland’s economy

Outcome 8:

The historic environment provides fair work

Outcome 9:

Increased engagement with the historic environment, with a focus on activities that enhance wellbeing

Read more about Priority 3
A playground full of children on a sunny day. The playground is surround by a fence and appears to be situated in the middle of a much large park filled with trees.

Delivery framework

Our Past, Our Future is a strategy for everyone

Our Delivery Framework guides our actions, ensuring continuous activity and collaboration among partners. We welcome stakeholders across sectors to join us in this mission.

Find out more
Man in jeans and a jumper works in woolen mill. Tools hang from the walls in the background.
The historic environment is the physical evidence for past human activity. It connects people with place and with the traditions, stories, and memories associated with places and landscapes.

Read the strategy / Leugh an ro-innleachd slàn

Find out how we're using Scotland's historic environment to empower communities and organisations.

Faigh a-mach mar a tha sinn a' cleachdadh àrainneachd eachdraidheil na h-Alba gus coimhearsnachdan is buidhnean a chumhachdachadh.

Download / Luchdaich a-nuas
Two copies of the Our Place Our Future strategy, one open and one closed