
Gaelic resources

We support Gaelic speakers and learners through a variety of projects and a range of online resources.

1 Year of Stories

Sgeulachd nan Òrain

Tha daoine air a bhith a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig fad linntean ann an Alba. An robh fhios agad gu bheil ag innse sgeulachdan agus a’ seinn òrain na phàirt mhòr de chultar na Gàidhlig? Tha òrain Ghàidhlig air a bhith air seinn agus sgeulachdan air innse mun cuairt theintean, air muin eich, ann an caistealan, aig cèilidhean, ann an dachaighean air feadh an t-saoghail agus a-nis air loidhne!

One of the languages spoken in Scotland is Scottish Gaelic, which people have been speaking for centuries. Did you know that telling stories and singing songs is a huge part of Gaelic culture? Gaelic songs have been sung and stories have been told around fires, on horseback, in castles, at ceilidhs, in homes around the world and now online for you to hear! 

2 Gaelic learning resources

Gaelic versions of many of our free resources are now available to download. You can also watch some films made by our Junior Tour Guides for Gaelic learners.

Mary Queen of Scots (Màiri Bànrigh na h-Alba)

We are coming at you live with the life of Mary Queen of Scots from the pupils of Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce! With reports and new songs highlighting 3 important moments in Mary’s life. The birth of King James VI, Mary’s time in prison and ultimately her grizzly end at Castle Fotheringhay.

For Gaelic learners (Gaelic and English version): 

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Beside the fire (An Tac an Teine)

See the amazing new film by school kids of Sgoil an Siar. A regaling of scary stories Gaelic stories that would have been told in the olden days beside the fire.

This project was a continuation of the Arnol Junior Guides scheme run between Historic Environment Scotland and Sgoil and Taobh Siar, with drama support from Illuminate UK and technical support from Uist Films. The project was funded under the GLAIFF fund of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

For Gaelic learners (Gaelic and English version): 

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Watch the full Gaelic version 

Films by Edinburgh’s Gaelic Primary School

Junior Tour Guides from the school have made two films about Edinburgh Castle for Gaelic learners. Travel back in time to the 16th century to find out about castle life during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots and learn some new Gaelic words and phrases.

You can contact Learning Services to request a free DVD copy of the films, or watch them on YouTube.

For Gaelic learners (Gaelic and English version): 

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Watch the full Gaelic version  

You can also watch footage filmed in the royal apartments (all Gaelic version only).

Gaelic for Outlanders

Take basic lessons in Gaelic with our Gaelic Officer Ruairidh and learn a variety of common phrases and words: 

Watch the videos on our YouTube Playlist

People and themes downloads – Gaelic versions

Contact us

Telephone: 0131 668 6856
Email: gaidhlig@hes.scot

3 Gaelic-English thesaurus

You can use this Gaelic–English thesaurus to quickly translate terms you see on our website from English to Gaelic and vice versa.

All terms are relevant to our work to safeguard Scotland’s historic environment, and each thesaurus entry includes a definition of the term in both languages.

Search the thesaurus

4 Overview

Historic Environment Scotland supports Gaelic speakers and learners through a variety of projects up and down the country. These include our Junior Tour Guides scheme at the Blackhouse, Arnol, and Gaelic Schools Week at Edinburgh Castle.

We also offer a range of online resources for Gaelic learners.

Download Plana Gàidhlig/Gaelic Language Plan 2023-2026

Get in touch to discuss these and other Gaelic learning opportunities.

Contact us

Telephone: 0131 668 6856
Email: gaidhlig@hes.scot
