Pillar slab which had been built into a wall at St Ninian’s Cave. On the front is an encircled cross with central depression, and below this is a long shafted cross with cusped arms and a central depression. The encircled cross appears repeatedly on St Ninian’s Cave sculpture, and bears similarities both to the encircled cross-of-arcs on 2 and to the heads of the ‘Whithorn School’ crosses. The shafted cross is similar to seven crosses cut into the rock wall of the cave. This stone, like 50, is carved from the same type of stone as the ‘Whithorn School’ crosses, and so could have come from the same source at a similar time. The stones from St Ninian’s Cave had all been moved from their original positions before discovery. The cave was probably an early medieval chapel. This stone, which was designed to stand upright, may have marked a grave or an important location in or around the chapel. On display in Whithorn Priory Museum, Dumfries and Galloway.


Date Made
9th century
525 x 180 x 130mm
Property Information
Whithorn Priory Museum
Object Number
Access Status

